
Managing Congressional Affairs During a Crisis
The Challenge:
A long-term client found itself at the heart of a nationwide public health crisis, facing public scrutiny and significant Congressional interest.
The Story:
Working collaboratively with the client’s public relations team, Van Scoyoc Associates Vice Presidents quickly took control of the response to Congressional interest, recommending a proactive information campaign. We fielded Congressional inquiries on the client’s behalf and helped draft timelines, policies, and guidance related to the incident to share with Members and Committee staff. We worked with the client’s local Congressional delegation to educate them on the situation so that they, in turn, could disseminate information to their colleagues.
When Congress held a hearing to examine the public response to this crisis, our client was invited to testify on their role, and share lessons learned to prevent future crises. Experts at VSA prepared key officers at the client company for witness interviews, helped draft testimony, and conducted a mock hearing to prepare our client for his testimony and questioning. VSA was also in constant communication with Committee staff leading up to the hearing, providing additional information and negotiating critical logistical details.
VSA’s representation of our client did not end after the hearing, or when the crisis had subsided. VSA remains engaged with the client today, helping ensure the client could access federal funds made available after the crisis.
The Outcome:
Proactive efforts to engage with Members of Congress and Committee staff proved successful, limiting the time our client spent responding to Congress and allowing them to resolve the health crisis at hand.