VSC Cares
Proudly embedded in the
firm’s core since 1991,
the Van Scoyoc Companies (VSC)
has made it a priority to actively
promote and encourage
charitable giving and
community service.
The firm fosters a
spirit of engagement,
supporting causes close to
Stu Van Scoyoc, as well as
those causes championed by
VSC staff and clients,
leading by example
and showing VSC CARES!
4Q2024 Holiday Gift Drive

VSC staff enjoyed getting into the holiday spirit by contributing to the wish lists of 20 angels who participate in the Salvation Army's Angel Tree program. Our gift drive included new clothes and toys and has become a holiday tradition at VSC. HO HO HO!
4Q2024 Fundraiser & Volunteer Opportunity
The spirit of giving in November is abound, as VSC staff participated in a successful fundraising campaign for DC Central Kitchen and are scheduled for a December volunteer opportunity at DC Central Kitchen!

Disaster Relief for Hurricanes Helene & Milton 4Q2024 FUNDRAISER
So proud to announce the amazing support made by VSC staff + our firm match in response to these two devastating hurricanes Helene & Milton. We raised a total of $25K! Our charity match was split between American Red Cross and the Florida Disaster Fund. THANK YOU!
2024 Annual Charity Winner and 3Q2024 Fundraiser Event

VSA was pleased to host a Comfort Cases “packing party” on September 10, 2024 to pack 200 backpacks full of comfort and personal care items for local children entering the foster care system. We were honored and grateful to be joined by Senator Susan Collins, Vice Chair of the Appropriations Committee, as well as Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Congressman Don Bacon, co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth.

Thankful for all the VSA Vice Presidents, staff, friends, family members and VSA clients who made donations and who came out in support of such a worthy organization. A special thank you to Jennifer LaTourette who brought Comfort Cases to our attention and spearheaded this wonderful event.
2Q2024 VSC Volunteers

Acts of kindness ...
Hats off to our staff who enjoyed their afternoon filling snack packs for Covenant House and N Street Village. We were told such a small act of being able to provide a snack bag to those new in care, can really make a difference.
Volunteer Shout Out -- VSC staff have committed to a once a month
volunteer initiative at N Street Village. Thank you to Samantha Ford for
organizing as well as all our VSC volunteers!
1Q2024 N Street Village Annual Gala

VSC was all smiles as they proudly supported the 2024 N Street Village Gala as a Sponsor of Hope. It was a most enjoyable evening as they shared in the celebration of hope, healing and action at N Street Village and heard heartfelt stories from Village honorees. VSC salutes N Street Village and their continued success as it remains one of our firm's Near & Dear charities.
2023 Annual Charity Winner 4Q2023 Fundraiser

Our employees voted to support Direct Effect Action Network (DEAN). DEAN is a new charity committed to providing resources to those in need that have been adversely affected by events that are no fault of their own.
Direct Effect Action Network was originally founded to provide food, shelter and much needed generators to Ukrainians impacted by war, but has expanded their reach to help those in their local community, serving meals to the homeless in Los Angeles. DEAN’s founders, David Faeder and Rachel Vaughn, met while volunteering for an organization in Przemsyl, Poland, across the border from Ukraine. DEAN has delivered eight 50 KVA generators and twelve 25KW+ generators to hospitals and children's shelters in Ukraine and has assisted 65k+ displaced people. To learn more about the great work DEAN is doing abroad and domestically, or donate to the cause, visit https://directeffect.org/
October 2023, VSC employees participated in a one week fundraiser successfully raising funds and with the firm match a large contribution was made to DEAN. Our best to DEAN and their future charitable endeavors.
4Q2023 Volunteer Opportunity
On Friday, October 27, 2023 VSC staff and family joined the Ward 8 Woods Conservancy to participate in a clean-up event located in a Ward 8 neighborhood in Southeast Washington, DC.

Though VSC volunteers were a small number this year, we remained strong in our clean-up accomplishment. It was a nice way to improve a community environment and enjoy a beautiful morning!
2Q2023 Volunteer Opportunity
Memorial Day Flowers Foundation

Employees, families, and friends of the Van Scoyoc Companies were honored to join the Memorial Day Flowers Foundation for a second year in recognizing those who have served our country by placing flowers at the gravesites of interred veterans in Arlington National Cemetery over Memorial Day weekend 2023.

This year our volunteers placed their flowers throughout the cemetery, as well as returning to Section 27. One of the oldest sections of Arlington National Cemetery, Section 27 dates from 1864, when the U.S. Army conducted the first military burials on the property.
Thank you to all our VSC volunteers as well as to those who made donations!

1Q2023 Fundraiser

In response to the tornadoes that hit Rolling Fork, Mississippi in March 2023, VSA held a one week internal fundraiser for tornado relief in early April. VSA was proud to raise funds for Mercy Chefs, a non-profit disaster and humanitarian relief organization. Mercy Chefs provides restaurant quality meals to victims, volunteers, and first responders in natural disasters and national emergencies.
Thank you to our staff who showed their generous support and surpassed the firm match!

1Q2023 Volunteer Event
Food & Friends Volunteer Event

VSC employees and friends volunteered by participating in a morning of preparing and packaging meals. Bagging a total of 350+ grocery bags; packaging 140+ bags of frozen meats; and preparing meals. Food & Friends was an incredibly well run organization and provided a wonderful volunteer experience.
Food & Friends is the only community-based organization in the DC region providing home-delivered medically tailored meals and nutrition therapy to our neighbors living with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and other serious illnesses.

Photo: Ross Kyle, Roseanna Haley, Mikelah Bur, Samantha Ford, and Ashley Strobel
Holiday Volunteer Event & Gift Drive

VSA began the 2022 holiday season in support of The Salvation Army's Angel Tree program. The program has been running for over 41 years to provide gifts for
children who would not otherwise receive any during the holiday season.
In 2021, over 11,000 children in the National Capital Area received gifts through the Angel Tree program. VSA was honored to participate in the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program.
VSA staff and family assisted with the setup and sorting of toys and clothes at The Salvation Army Warehouse in Hyattsville, Maryland.

VSA sponsored 20 “Angels”. Our staff kindly purchased their
Angel's wish list items -- bikes, scooters, roller blades, toys, dolls,
books, winter jackets, clothing, and more – all of which will help make their holidays a little brighter.

3Q2022 Fundraiser Event
3Q2022 Volunteer Event

On a sunny Saturday, September 24, 2022 (National Public Lands Day) VSC staff and family joined the Ward 8 Woods Conservancy to clean up the Oxon Run Parkway Woods in the Ward 8 neighborhood of Washington, DC. The VSA team pulled 30+ bags of trash out of the woods! Oxon Run Parkway a 126-acre federally owned stretch of parkland between the neighborhoods of Congress Heights, Shipley Terrace, and Washington Highlands and the Maryland state line. The woods contain a pristine upland forest of beech trees and mountain laurel and a rare ecosystem known as a magnolia bog, where the forest floor is covered in delicate ferns.
The VSC team had a wonderful time working to enhance the beauty, ecological health, and public enjoyment of the woods.

Photo: Susie Gorden, Lauren Bresette, Kiana Khoshnoud, Jennifer Cave, Matt Henken, Roseanna Haley, Brian Leitner, Claire Leitner, Keith Morrison and Jeanette Pablo (missing from photo due to taking photo) as well as Ward 8 Staff Members.
2Q2022 Annual Charity

The winner of the 2022 VSC Annual Charity is the Memorial Day Flowers Foundation proudly submitted by Jennifer Cave, Associate Vice President, Van Scoyoc Associates
The Memorial Day Flowers Foundation is a non-profit that works to make floral tributes to those who bravely served our country. It is their mission to place a flower at every military headstone across the country. This floral tribute connects communities to honor their heroes and the sacrifices they and their families, made for our country.
Over the 2022 Memorial Day weekend, VSC staff, family and friends will volunteer and place flowers at Section 27 of Arlington Cemetery. One of the oldest sections of Arlington National Cemetery, Section 27 dates from 1864, when the U.S. Army conducted the first military burials on the property.
Memorial Day began after the Civil War and was originally called Decoration Day. Each year on this day the Memorial Day Flowers Foundation honors those who risked or sacrificed their lives while protecting and fighting for our country. Volunteers place a flower in front of each headstone while quietly reading the inscription and then thanking the person for their service.
Thank you to VSC staff, family and friends who participated in the volunteer event and/or who supported the very successful fundraising campaign in May 2022.

1Q2022 Fundraiser

In March 2022, VSC held a successful firmwide 1 Day Fundraiser to support the Ukraine Humanitarian Relief efforts.
"We are overwhelmed by the spirit of giving that our firm showed today.
We have all watched in horror as the humanitarian crisis unfolded in the Ukraine, and today each of you answered the call to support the much-needed relief efforts underway.
We would also like to recognize those who made contributions to charities supporting relief efforts in the Ukraine prior to today’s fundraiser.
Time and time again you have responded to help those in need. We are grateful for your kindness and generosity in supporting others."
Stu Van Scoyoc and Jennifer LaTourette
2021 Annual Charity
August 2021
Our amazing staff really stepped it up this year to once again provide support to this incredible charity, led by our dear friend, Jean Kabré.
VSC is pleased to announce that our June 2021 fundraiser was a success, which included donations raised by our VSC staff combined with the firm match. Thank you VSC!
Jean's 2021 annual trip this summer showed promise and progress in Tintilou, and we are so proud of him as well as his efforts.
Background: Tintilou Needs You is a non-profit organization dedicated to supplying much-needed assistance to the people of Tintilou, a small village in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The organization is led by our firm-wide friend, Jean Kabré, who is a native of Tintilou. VSA is blessed to have met Jean at our former office building, where Jean serves as the concierge and event planner. VSA is fortunate to have had the opportunity to support Tintilou Needs You over the years and witness Tintilou's continued growth and accomplishments. Support ranges from providing food, education, medical, and transportation assistance to larger projects like building long-term infrastructure.
A message from Jean Kabré, August 2021 ...
Hello Dear Friends!
It’s just me to let you know that I made it back in town safe and sound.
Thank you sooo very much for the tremendous support I got from you again, allowing me to go back and bless those I left behind…and yes indeed many have been blessed.
It was a very busy trip as I had a little time trying to accomplish as much as I can, and also get other projects going while I was in the field. It wasn’t easy I won’t lie to you…it was a very exhausting one, at time a little overwhelming, but at the end, a very very rewarding trip.
Because of your kind and generous hearts, water is being made available. One of the well drilled is in a very dry area where a lot of families who fled the northern violence resettled. This well will be a blessing to many. https://photos.app.goo.gl/q1WofHyr6WSmuXuAA
Four widows and one needy family will be moving into four brand new cement bricks houses replacing the collapsed or unsafe mudbricks structures by the end of November 2021.
Collapsing mud bricks structures
2021 Building Projects
Motorcycles for families in need
2021 General Pictures https://photos.app.goo.gl/16au37xaQX8qGd6m8
Thank you for helping make the world a better place for many. May God mercy and grace continually abound in your lives and may you stay richly blessed…AMEN! As some of you were asking, donations can still be made through Tintilou Needs You Website http://tintilouneedsyou.com/
Again, from the bottom of my heart, on the behalf of an entire village, I thank you! THANK YOU!!
Jean Kabré

2020 Annual Charity
August 2020
Tintilou Needs You is a non-profit organization dedicated to supplying much-needed assistance to the people of Tintilou, a small village in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The organization is led by our firm-wide friend, Jean Kabré, who is a native of Tintilou. VSA is blessed to have met Jean at our former office building, where Jean serves as the concierge and event planner. Our 15+ year relationship with Jean continues today. VSA is fortunate to have had the opportunity to support Tintilou Needs You over the years and witness Tintilou's continued growth and accomplishments. Support ranges from providing food, education, medical, and transportation assistance to larger projects like building long-term infrastructure.
In the midst of the pandemic, Jean was able to take his yearly trip in September to West Africa to facilitate and implement the various projects. Upon Jean's return to the States, he shared an update on the progress happening in Tintilou.
A message from Jean Kabré ...
This year we took a break from building houses so the main project this year was water. It hasn’t been raining much for the last five years, so access to water was very, very challenging for the villagers. So far, two water towers powered by solar systems are up in two villages and ready to serve and bless many. I made arrangements with a plumber in the city who will be helping the villagers with hoses/pipes and others for the irrigation system. By the month of March when every hand dogged wells dry out, the villagers will still have water for drinking, cooking and bathing, and will also be able to use the irrigation system to grow crops to sell in the market place and also feed their family…no more walking miles away for the hunt for water. They are very, very, very thankful and grateful for your kind and generous hearts.
Another Volonta Pump type well will be drilled this week in another side of the village where people (mainly elderly people and children) are struggling for water. We couldn’t get it done while I was there because the dirt road to that area was very muddy and wasn’t ready for a heavy truck to drive through to access that location.
Thank you so very much for your support on making this happen to all these people I left behind. It’s amazing what is happening for these people. What took place is going to be a life changer for the very best.
2020 Tintilou Water Project: https://photos.app.goo.gl/JDz2ud1EG8XAmuBS9
2020 Trip Faces and Images: https://photos.app.goo.gl/n51XrFknwawsDwnJA
Along with the wells …
- We were able to invest in about 90 students (elementary & college) back to school and helped with school supplies as their parent couldn’t.
- We were able to help 7 young ladies with funds to start small businesses to help their families.
- We assisted the widow (family of 6) we built a three bedrooms house for last year with 5 beds and mattresses…their first ever beds.
- Distributed refurbished computers and cell phones to colleges kids,...etc.…
Provided Medical Assistance but not COVID related.
- Food assistance as the harvest last year wasn’t much because of the lack of rain.
So overall it was an amazing and a very productive and rewarding trip…a lot of people have been blessed. Thank you sooooo very much again for your support on making this possible. I greatly, greatly appreciated and from the bottom of my heart, on the behalf of an entire village, I thank you.
DONATE: Click on the DONATE page in the upper right hand corner at http://tintilouneedsyou.com/
UPDATE: VSC is very pleased to announce that our August fundraiser was a success. A total of $4,000 was raised by our VSC staff and the firm match. Thank you VSC!

May 2020:
In response to COVID-19, VSC Community Service was tasked to find a charity that is currently giving back to those in need. Our focus was to find out what is happening to those DC children who have lost their main food line, the meals they formerly received during the school day. Since the onset of the pandemic, DC Central Kitchen has been actively addressing the overwhelming increased need for services during the COVID-19 crisis, with a laser focus on DC’s most underserved neighborhoods. They need OUR help as their normal fundraising activities have been scaled back and volunteering placed on a pause. Completely relying on their full-time staff, 200 dedicated employees who are the true front-line heroes -- we can confidently say DC Central Kitchen is truly doing more with less.
VSC Fundraising Campaign:
VSC CARES♥Thank you DC Central Kitchen
VSC is very proud to announce that our week long fundraiser was a huge success. Thank you to the staff at VSC who jointly raised $11,540. These funds will go directly to D.C. Central Kitchen's COVID-19 Response Efforts.
DC Central Kitchen COVID-19 Daily Impact: https://dccentralkitchen.org/covid-19/
Employee & Extended Family Spotlight
Ilan and Sivana Hamond
Jeff Hamond, Vice President and proud parent of twins, Ilan and Sivana Hamond who have chosen to remain active in their community during the pandemic by providing free online tutoring services. Check out their story and recent press at WJLA and Popville. For information on tutoring services please contact them at IHSHtutoring@gmail.com.
2019 Annual Charity
The winner of the 2019 VSC Annual Charity is the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Founded in 1999, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) is dedicated to fighting the world’s toughest cancer. In our urgent mission to save lives, we attack pancreatic cancer on all fronts: research, clinical initiatives, patient services and advocacy.
VSC staff, family and friends would like to rally behind Team LaTourette (Jennifer, Emma & Henry) and show their love and support by participating in PURPLESTRIDE, a walk in Washington, DC on June 8, 2019.

Jennifer LaTourette ... "On August 3, 2016 our loving dad and husband, Steve LaTourette, lost his 2-year battle against pancreatic cancer. Steve is missed deeply by his family, friends and colleagues. On June 8th, Team LaTourette will walk at PURPLESTRIDE in Washington DC in his memory, and we hope you will consider joining or supporting us."
Join 2019 PURPLESTRIDE, for more information click here TEAM LATOURETTE/PURPLE STRIDE. Please add "VSA" in your personal note, as the firm will match such designated contributions.
2018 Annual Charity
VSA has the privilege of being a Build Team in a special collaboration between Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia and Mr. Benton, an Air Force veteran of the Vietnam War. Mr. Benton suffered a devastating home fire that left him without the resources to make repairs. He reached out to Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia with an offer -- he would donate part of his land to build a home for a family in need, if in turn they could provide him a similar lifeline, a new home -- House #1.
Habitat for Humanity Northern Virginia will place an immigrant family from Uzbekistan, a family of four, in House #2. Currently the parents and children, ages 17 and 11, are living in a one bedroom/one bathroom apartment. The kids sleep in a bunk bed located in the dining room. The father is a dishwasher, and when he comes home from work at 1-2am every night, he unavoidably wakes the children, as there is no privacy in the apartments. The two new homes home will each be 1600 sqft with three bedrooms and two bathrooms.
VSC employees had set the fundraising goal at $4,500 and are proud to have successfully raised $4,750!
A huge shout out to our VSC staff, family, friends, and associates for supporting our fundraising efforts for H4H NOVA.
We thank you for your generosity!
2019 UPDATE: Donora Drive Home Dedication Ceremony is June 23, 2019

India Allen, Sarah Herbert, Jennifer Cave, Aretha Robinson, Jeff Hamond, and Greg Van Scoyoc
Near & Dears
Michael W. Adcock Scholarship

In October 2018 our firm experienced the loss of a dear colleague, Mike Adcock. A scholarship fund has been established in his memory. Mike was an advocate for higher education and loved The University of Alabama. VSA is commited to continuing Mike's legacy, and we encourage you to consider contributing to the scholarship Fund in his honor. DONTATE: Michael W. Adcock Scholarship Fund at the University of Alabama, P.O. Box 870122, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487 (or give.ua.edu type "Adcock" into search field)
The McShin Foundation
A recovery resource foundation, co-founded by Carol McDaid, Principal, at Capitol Decisions, Inc., with her husband, John Shinholser in 2004. The McShin Foundation is Virginia's leading non-profit, full-service Recovery Community Organization (RCO), committed to serving individuals and families in their fight against Substance Use Disorders (SUDs).
McShin aims to spread the word of recovery and educate families, communities, and government regarding SUDs as well as reduce the stigma attached to them.
N Street Village
N Street Village is a community of empowerment and recovery for women in Washington, DC.
N Street Village helps homeless and low-income women achieve stability and make meaningful gains in their housing, income, employment, mental health, physical health and recovery from addiction. Stu and Pat Van Scoyoc have supported the Village for many years, making charitable donations and serving on the Honorary Board.
Stu and Pat’s connection to N Street Village stems from their mothers’ commitment to education as a path for opportunity, particularly for women. This culminated in 2018 with the dedication of the MARJ and MAK Vocational Center, named in honor of Marjorie Ellis Van Scoyoc (MARJ) and Mary Alice Kirton (MAK), the mothers of Stu and Pat. In 2018 the Van Scoyoc family was recognized with the N Street Village Founder’s Award at their 45th Anniversary Gala.
Stu and Pat are proud of the progress that is occurring at The MARJ and MAK Vocational Center in it's first year, as referenced on November 21, 2019 in The Washington Post article entitled "In the intimidating quest for Social Security benefits,
N Street Village is there".
Jefferson Middle School Academy
Since 2017, VSA has participated in volunteer efforts and financial support for the JMSA, our neighbor across the street. The firm held another successful Back to School drive in August 2022, organized by VSA's liaison with JMSA, Aretha Robinson.


NCADD Bronze Key Award
On April 25, 2019, Stu Van Scoyoc was honored with the 2019 National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) Bronze Key Award at the McShin Foundation’s 15th Annual Spring Awards Reception. The award, presented by Co-founders, Carol McDaid and John Shinholser, was in gratitude for his continued dedication to advocacy and support for the authentic recovery community.
“Stu is an unsung hero of the modern recovery movement. Through his acts of generosity, Stu has made possible the work we do at McShin, serving men, women and families seeking recovery from substance use disorders,” said Carol McDaid, Co-Founder of McShin Foundation. “His commitment to these issues, both personally and professionally, aided in the passage of laws that make access to addiction treatment more available for most Americans. By allowing me to talk publicly about my own struggles and recovery from addiction in a way no other firm ever had, Stu helped reduce the shame and stigma of seeking help for this illness.”

N Street Village Founder's Award
Marj and MAK Vocational Center
At the 45th N Street Village Anniversary Gala, Pat and Stu Van Scoyoc accept the 2018 Founder’s Award with CEO Schroeder Stribling and N Street Village Alumna and Van Scoyoc Associates Retiree, Olivia Ramsey.
“Our commitment to the MARJ and MAK Center started with a dream for a center for women to learn the skills to re-enter the workforce. The dream of the MARJ and MAK Center is realized. Pat and I are excited about the 300 more women who will gain skills there,” said Stu Van Scoyoc.